||start|| id{varchar(100)*}|contents{mediumtext}|pdItemType{varchar(50)}|utf8-test{text}|caption{mediumtext} buy-it-again-emails|""|""|""|"
PD/ONE !!DQUOTE!!Buy it Again!!DQUOTE!! emails are sent to customers who have previously purchased certain products in your web site. Rules can be automatically or manually configured to determine which product emails are sent along with the timing and messaging used for the emails.

This is a great way to send highly targeted emails to existing customers, especially if your site sells consumable products or gifts.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" gift-certificate-5|""|""|""|"
$5 Gift Certificate

Add-on Order Details

One-time Setup Fee


" yahoo-login-4psite|""|"isService"|""|"
Integrates your PD/ONE My Account and related Turbify Store features with the 4PSite API for real time order detail and status updates.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" aboutus|""|""|""|"
Practical Data was founded by Joel Jimenez and Steve Brummel in Chicago, IL during the spring of 2002. The dot-com bubble had just burst, but not the hopes of creating a succesful internet based business. Both partners had worked for a number of dot-coms and then moved into freelance work. After several projects together, they determined a partnership made sense based on their complementary skill sets. Joel being the experienced technical guru and Steve the hot shot designer.

Early projects included everything from a kiosk application for Meijer to a fully custom e-commmerce store. Before forming the company, Steve had gained extensive experience working on the Turbify Store platform. This became the basis for the current Practical Data offerings. Today, our primary focus is extending the Turbify platform with advanced applications and integration work.

Practical Data has grown organically over time thru referrals that now form a network of satisfied clients.
Management Team
Steven J. BrummelCreative Director & Co-founder
Steve has 15+ years of professional experience working as a web developer and creative designer, with expertise in both web and print based graphic design.

Prior to co-founding Practical Data, Inc., Steve served as Senior Designer for Preview Port (an author web portal), Senior Designer for Orbit Commerce (now !!DQUOTE!!Digital River!!DQUOTE!!) and Graphic Artist and Web Developer for Chicago start-up XOLIA.com, Inc.

Steve holds a BS in Sound Engineering from Columbia College, Chicago IL.
Joel A. JimenezDirector of Technology & Co-founder
Joel has 15+ years of professional experience in web-based technology architecture and project management with an emphasis in e-commerce and content management systems.

Prior to co-founding Practical Data, Inc., Joel served as a consultant to Providian Financial, served as Director of Technology for XOLIA.com, Inc. and acted as the Development Lead for Blue Diesel, an interactive media company serving the Healthcare and retail markets.

Joel holds a BS in Computer Science Engineering from the Ohio State University.

" my-account-insights|""|""|""|"
Gain valuable insights to bolster marketing efforts and better target customers with offers. View your customers by orders placed, products purchased, revenue spent and date of last order(s). Segment data by all customers, customers with an account or customers without an account including date ranges. View all the buyers for a particular product and export their names and emails for highly targeting marketing efforts. Additionally, you may import all order data going back to the very first order received on your store.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" my-account-address-book|""|""|""|"
Save multiple billing and shipping addresses that can be pre-filled selectively at checkout. This is a great feature for gift oriented stores or stores that sell to customers who otherwise ship to multiple addresses.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" yahoo-checkout-integration-package|""|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

Upgrade your checkout implementation to our latest responive/mobile-ready optimized version. This package includes additional add-ons to enhance the checkout experience.

Choose a Plan & Options

Choose Install Type

One-time Setup Fee


Features & Benefits

New & Improved Address Book Add-On

  • Allows customers to maintain a list of multiple addresses for pre-fill, allowing for faster checkouts.
  • Responsive/mobile-ready implementation.
  • Improved user interface for customers.
  • Seamless Turbify Checkout Integration.
  • CSS/ Style customization templates.

New & Improved End of Checkout Account Invitation

  • The End of Checkout Invitation captures additional account sign-ups on the confirmation page with an attractive display.
  • NEW report shows you how many customer sign-ups have been captured via the invitation.
  • Responsive/mobile-ready implementation.
  • Implement on confimation page inline (anywhere on page) or as a modal pop-up window.
  • Improved and seamless Turbify Checkout integration
  • HTML and CSS/Style customization templates

Brand New Free Shipping Countdown or Promotional Message Banner

  • The brand new Promotional Message Banner allows you to display a dynamic message based on cart subtotal in your checkout. (e.g. Add $X.XX to cart to qualify for free shipping!)
  • When customer's cart exceeds the set threshold (e.g. !!DQUOTE!!$99!!DQUOTE!!) , display a reinforcement banner !!DQUOTE!!This Order Qualifies for FREE Shipping!!!DQUOTE!!.
  • Manage the threshold and message via templates that immediately publish to your checkout when enabled.
  • Templates to modify display message and CSS/style.
  • Responsive/mobile-ready implementation.

Additional Integration Improvements

  • Re-engineered and streamlined installation adds less code to your checkout.
  • New integration allows for deep customization and placement of My Account login bar.
  • Now compatible with the Turbify Single Page Checkout configuration.
  • Users can now log-in on the shipping/billing page.
  • Designed to avoid issues with future Turbify/Luminate URL changes.

" back-in-stock-emails|""|""|""|"
Allows customers to sign-up for an email alert when an out-of-stock item comes back in stock.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" my-account-order-status|""|""|""|"
Provide a customer friendly order status page for your customers that does not require account creation or login.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" checkout-promotion-banner|""|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

Upgrade your checkout implementation to our latest responive/mobile-ready optimized version. This package includes additional add-ons to enhance the checkout experience.

One-time Setup Fee

Brand New Free Shipping Countdown or Promotional Message Banner

  • The brand new Promotional Message Banner allows you to display a dynamic message based on cart subtotal in your checkout. (e.g. Add $X.XX to cart to qualify for free shipping!)
  • When customer's cart exceeds the set threshold (e.g. !!DQUOTE!!$99!!DQUOTE!!) , display a reinforcement banner !!DQUOTE!!This Order Qualifies for FREE Shipping!!!DQUOTE!!.
  • Manage the threshold and message via templates that immediately publish to your checkout when enabled.
  • Templates to modify display message and CSS/style.
  • Responsive/mobile-ready implementation.

" contact-us-form-for-yahoo-stores|""|""|""|"
Provides a customizable contact us form on your web site. This allows you to collect specific information from your customers and masks your support email address from the public to help reduce spam.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" dynamic-shipping-payment-options|""|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

Add dynamic shipping and payment options to the My Account tiered pricing feature. This feature allows payment and shipping options to be changed depending upon the type of user that is logged-in.

Select Your Plan & Options

One-time Setup Fee

This add-on requires a PD/ONE Wholesale Subscription. View our subscriptions page for ordering information.


  • Allow special shipping and payment types to be displayed or hidden based upon user type

" checkout-account-invitation|""|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

Recognizes when a new customer is purchasing from your store and invites him to create an account at the end of the checkout process.

One-time Setup Fee
* This feature requires a PD/ONE My Account Subscription.


  • Encourages new customers to create accounts
  • Does not distract customers from the order process
  • Uses information from purchase to pre-fill the account registration screen

" my-products-custom-pricing-tab|""|""|""|"
This feature provides a !!DQUOTE!!My Products!!DQUOTE!! tab with a customized list of specially-priced products for individual or groups of customers.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" yahoo-store-manage-orders|""|""|""|"
Use this admin module to quickly find and view order details (including real time order status and shipping information.)
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" yahoo-order-status-upload-csv|""|""|""|"
Use this module to quickly upload order status and tracking numbers to your Turbify Store with a CSV file.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" yahoo-product-image-downloader|""|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

Downloads product images from Turbify to static image files named by product id. Also generates a downloadable CSV file with static image URLs for all products.

Select Your Plan & Options

One-time Setup Fee


" my-account-favorites-list|"(:MY-ACCOUNT-FAVORITES-LIST)"|""|""|"
This feature allows a customer to create and maintain a list of favorite products within his account. The customer can then order from this list in the future and/or broadcast the list to friends and family via email. This module also provides a supplemental !!DQUOTE!!Top Customer Favorites!!DQUOTE!! page driven dynamically by actual customer data for your store.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$ Learn More about Rewards" pd-one-order-summary-report|""|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

This add-on provides your customers with an !!DQUOTE!!Order Summary Report!!DQUOTE!! that is accessible from the Order History screen. This is a frequently-requested report for business customers who require an end-of-year report summarizing purchases from your company.

Additionally, this feature allows you to display !!DQUOTE!!PAID!!DQUOTE!! on invoices after orders have shipped and allows for CSV export.

One-Time Setup & License Fee



First and foremost, thank you for being a Practical Data customer! Your success is our success.

For over ten years, we've invested in the PD/ONE platform to support features including Reviews, Q&A, Rewards, My Account and more. Recently, we have also expanded support to the BigCommerce platform.

Practical Data has prided itself on keeping costs low. To date, we have never raised our subscription pricing. However, we now find it necessary to drive advancement of the software and improve merchant support. Subscription pricing will be raised approximately 30% (see pricing change table below).

Together, this pricing increase will allow us to:

Important Notes:

Thank you again for your understanding and continued support.

-Steven Brummel, Joel Jimenez (Co-Founders)

Pricing Changes Effective October, 2022 " custom-order-confirmation-emails|""|""|""|"
Create customized Order Confirmation and Shipment emails to be sent to customers when orders are placed and shipped.
(Replaces the standard Turbify order and shipping confirmation emails.)
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" case-darby-louise|""|""|""|"

Case Study: Darby Louise Cultural Center

Darby Louise Cultural Center operates an art gallery on the Chicago magnificent mile, hosting events showcasing music and art from Spain. Practical Data was brought in to create a logo and website. The logo design incorporated Spanish artwork while an elegant and simple design was chosen for the website. Upon achieving the desired look and feel, graphics were also created and provided for print materials. Website requirements included an area for artist pages, events calendar and site administration. Additional systems were built for event management, online RSVP / event sign-up and content management.

Services Provided

" pd-checkout-item|""|""|""|"" case-study-due|""|""|""|"

Case Study: Due Maternity

Due Maternity provides stylish maternity clothing for the fashionable mom. Practical Data has been proud to work with Due for more than 3 years, providing consulting, SEO services, Turbify Store enhancements and improvements, gift registry, POS integration and much more.

Services Provided

View Site


" ecommerce-consulting|""|""|""|"Practical Data is focused on delivering effective and efficient solutions to our clients. Often, our customers find that Practical Data already has a solution to meet its needs or a similar solution that can be modified at a reasonable cost. In other instances, Practical Data can draw on its years of web-based solutions experience and mature codebase to deliver a more customized solution.

If you have a new project on the horizon or an existing project that needs a little guidance, contact us today." facebook-instructions|""|""|""|"" yahoo-store-product-reviews-family-add-on|""|""|""|"

Create review "families" to share review content across multiple products. This can be useful if you have variations of the same product represented by different pages in your store.

For example, you may have a product that's available in three different sizes. Each size may have its own page in the store. Using Family Reviews, these products can share review stars and content regardless of which size the reviews were originally written for. Customers will see all reviews collected for the item regardless of the size they are viewing.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" find-disable-order-form|""|""|""|"" flash-design|""|""|""|"
Back to Portfolio

Flash Design

Due Maternity Flash Microsite

Practical Data worked with Due to create the entertaining !!DQUOTE!!Look Who's Prego!!!DQUOTE!! flash microsite.

View Site

" google-universal-analytics-install|""|""|""|"
Back to Turbify Store Features

Google Universal Analytics Installation

Overview & Benefits

Universal Analytics offers tracking across multiple domains and devices. We install to your templates, including the ecommerce component in checkout for conversion and goals tracking. We'll also provide code for third party features such as search and/or provide code for blogs or other areas.

*Requires that you migrate to Universal in your GA account.

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" how-to-maintain-your-myaccount-when-redesigning-your-yahoo-store|""|""|""|"
Back to Help

How to Maintain your PD My Account when Redesigning your Turbify Store


If you are redesigning your Turbify store, these steps can be followed to help ensure a smooth transition for your PD My Account and related features.

1) Make sure your !!DQUOTE!!pd-!!DQUOTE!! prefixed files and templates are not deleted.
The files in your store that are prefixed with !!DQUOTE!!pd-!!DQUOTE!! must be maintained. These are usually !!DQUOTE!!pd-data-export!!DQUOTE!!, !!DQUOTE!!pd-image-data!!DQUOTE!!, !!DQUOTE!!pd-publish-timestamp!!DQUOTE!! and !!DQUOTE!!pd-template!!DQUOTE!!.

2) Make sure that the !!DQUOTE!!pd-template.html!!DQUOTE!! file continues providing the header/footer in the expected format. Particular care must be taken to ensure that the !!DQUOTE!!pd-template.html!!DQUOTE!! file continues providing the header/footer wrapper. You can find documentation for this page under !!DQUOTE!!Admin Tools -> Synchronization -> Update Header/Footer HTML -> Instructions!!DQUOTE!!.

3) Update the Look and Feel (aka !!DQUOTE!!Style!!DQUOTE!!) to match the updated store design. Both the CSS and graphics used to support your integration can be updated from the Admin tools. Depending upon your My Account version and modules installed, this may be located under !!DQUOTE!!Admin Tools -> Look and Feel!!DQUOTE!! or under !!DQUOTE!!Admin Tools -> Style Editor!!DQUOTE!! or both.

4) Hire us for a coordinated My Account page redesign! (optional)
We understand how much work goes into a redesign project and we want to help make your redesign a seamless success. With literally hundreds of redesign projects under our belts, we can coordinate with your designers to seamlessly match PD features to the new look and feel of your store.

Contact us to learn more." how-to-renew-your-yahoo-api-key|""|""|""|"
Back to Help

How to Renew and Install your Turbify API Token

Practical Data uses Turbify's API Token to communicate with your store. This token Practical Data features and Turbify to communicate important information about your store.

API Token Expiration

The Turbify API Token has an initial expiration date of 1 year from the time when the token was created. Prior to expiration, this token must be renewed.

Step 1: Renewing your API Token

Approximately 30-60 days before the token expires, Turbify will send a renewal notice with instructions for renewal. If you do not receive this email, you can also see this information within your Practical Data Admin Dashboard notifications.

Renew your Turbify API Token from the Store Control Panel under:

Store Control Panel -> Order Settings -> Real-Time Links -> API Settings

Find the token labeled !!DQUOTE!!Practical Data, Inc. (ypa-005259428546)!!DQUOTE!! with the latest expiration date, select the checkbox to the right and click the !!DQUOTE!!Renew Selected!!DQUOTE!! button. To avoid unnecessary renewals, set the expiration date of the new token to a date several years into the future. (Make a note of the date that you choose as you will need it in the final step below.)

Turbify will send a new API token to you via email.

Step 2: Installing your new Turbify API Token     (Don't forget this step!)

Once you receive the new Turbify API Token, you should copy it to your clipboard.
Then sign-in to your Practical Data Admin Dashboard and proceed to:

Admin Dashboard -> General Settings -> Turbify API

Overwrite the old token with the new one and set the new expiration date accordingly.
Practical Data's features will now continue to communicate with your store in a seamless fashion.

" how-we-work|""|""|""|"

Start with a !!DQUOTE!!PD/ONE!!DQUOTE!! Subscription Plan

from $25/mo.

It all starts with any PD/ONE subscription plan. Select from our available flagship subscription products (Loyalty & Referral Rewards, Product Reviews, Q&A, Search, and more) or build your own plan by choosing options a la carte. Scale capabilities and support with our Standard, Pro and Enterprise levels as you grow.

Expand with !!DQUOTE!!PD/ONE!!DQUOTE!! Add-ons

Install any one of several add-on modules available exclusively for PD/ONE. Pay a one-time fee to install and instantly improve your store experience, administration capabilities, reporting and more! These features do not change your recurring subscription cost.

Sell more with Automated Email Marketing

Many of our features include an automated email marketing component. We include starter email credits with all our plans so you are able to start sending well-crafted and timely emails immediately. When you run out of starter credits, simply purchase additional email credits. Or sign-up for Autopay to automatically add credits to your account.

Improve Your Search

Add PD Advanced Search to any PD/ONE plan. Pay a one-time setup fee and then pay for search credits as needed. You will only pay for the search volume as it occurs in your store.

Superior Customization and Consulting

With more than decade of e-commerce experience, we know cookie-cutter products and services rarely work for more seasoned merchants. We are here to help! The PD/ONE platform allows for in-depth customization of existing features and creation of additional, completely custom modules. Engage with us on an hourly programming basis to further enhance our features for your store.

ONE Mission.

Increasing engagement is critical to retaining customers and growing your customer base. PD/ONE is laser focused on achieving this mission with a suite of customer-friendly, best-in-class features that work together to engage, convert and retain customers in your store.

ONE Source.

We provide robust store features including Loyalty & Referral Rewards, Product Reviews, Q&A and more from our extensible and powerful Features Platform. PD/ONE features work in tandem with your existing e-commerce platform to amplify engagement and increase sales.

ONE Awareness.

With the PD/ONE Unified Services Platform, our features not only natively communicate with each other, but actively work together to more effectively engage customers. As a result, PD/ONE has functionality that separate apps from various vendors simply cannot replicate.

ONE Subscription.

Save on your monthly costs of third party apps and services by utilizing all the capabilites of PD/ONE. With a collection of the most pivotal store features, services and add-ons, we help you avoid dealing with multiple vendors, administration areas and support channels.
" yahoo-store-image-viewer|""|""|""|"

Advanced Image Viewer

Add Multiple Images and Zoom Functionality to Your Item Pages

Overview & Benefits

Allow customers to easily view multiple images and zoom in.

Order Now



Full Browser Support
- Our solution is fully tested on both Mac and PC browsers including Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer
- Our solution has minimal impact on product page load times
- !!DQUOTE!!Zoomed!!DQUOTE!! and multiple image displays are loaded on demand
-We customize the layout and look & feel to best match your store

Store Examples

" implement-reviews-to-yahoo-mobile|""|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

We implement the reviews display for Turbify's mobile category and product templates.

One-time Setup Fee

" joeltest2|""|""|""|"" king-webmaster-shipping-manager-connector|""|""|""|"
Back to Turbify Store Features

King Webmaster Shipping Manager Connector Module


Connect My Account system to King Webmaster's advanced shipping manager settings
Offer Tax Exemption on specific user accounts or user types

Order Module

Please enter your store domain name:

(e.g. !!DQUOTE!!mystore.com!!DQUOTE!!)


" login-self-test|""|""|""|"Login Here" logo-design|""|""|""|"
Back to Portfolio

Logo Design

" mobile-seo-instructions|""|""|""|"

Making your Mobile Store Search Engine Friendly

In 2013, Google published recommendations for tagging mobile websites in a seo-friendly manner. Practical Data's mobile sites for Turbify Stores fall under Google's definition of !!DQUOTE!!Sites that have separate mobile and desktop URLs.!!DQUOTE!!

To ensure that your mobile site is indexed and registered properly with Google, it is important that several tags be configured according to Google's guidance for this configuration.

Review the following to ensure your mobile store is Google-friendly

1) Make sure your Mobile store has canonical URL tags configured on each page that point the authoritative, Desktop version of your URL.

2) Make sure your Desktop store has canonical URL tags configured on each page with matching URLs.

3) Your Desktop store should have rel=!!DQUOTE!!alternate!!DQUOTE!! tags configured that designate mobile URLs as your web site's mobile-friendly content.

<link rel=!!DQUOTE!!alternate!!DQUOTE!! media=!!DQUOTE!!only screen and (max-width: 640px)!!DQUOTE!! href=!!DQUOTE!!https://m.example.com/page-1!!DQUOTE!! >

You can read Google's complete smartphone-optimized website recommendations here:


If you have questions or need assistance in making sure that your web site meets these requirements, please contact us for additional support.

We offer review and installation of the tags on your Turbify store for a flat fee of $40 here: Mobile/Desktop SEO Tagging Update

" membership-system-for-yahoo-stores|""|""|""|"
Back to Turbify Store Features

Membership System For Turbify Stores

Overview & Benefits

Allows customers to purchase an annual !!DQUOTE!!club!!DQUOTE!! membership to your store, for which they can then receive extra benefits.
Benefits may include an automatic discount on every order or free/discounted shipping options.

Order Now



Allows customers to purchase an annual membership to your store.
Memberships can be configured to include benefits including discounts and/or free/discounted shipping options.
Built-in Email system automatically prompts customers to renew membership on an annual basis.

" pd-discount-item|""|""|""|"" mobile-tagging-update|""|""|""|"
Back to Store Maintenance Updates

Mobile & Desktop Store Tags Review / Update for SEO

Overview & Benefits

We review and update the mobile and desktop store to ensure compliance with Google's recommendations for proper site indexing.

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" premium-hosting-existing-account|""|""|""|"" yahoo-login-order-motion|""|""|""|"
Integrates the My Account System with Order Motion for auto-import of orders, real time status and synchronization of customer information.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" order-motion-integration|""|""|""|"" testimonials|""|""|""|"

In my opinion, Practical Data is one of the best Yahoo developers! All of their features work seamlessly with my Yahoo store and are well integrated into my site design. I am a very happy customer! What I am most happy with is not their coding work, which I have to say is impressive, but also their backend management features for me as a store owner. Seriously, use Practical Data...you will not be sorry.
Chris Johnson - PegasusLighting.com

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the great job you did in integrating the customer rewards program to lionsdeal.com. Our customers love it and it has had an immediate impact in our average order value. That means we also love it! I also appreciate your working on our site at 4 AM which I know because of your email response when we did find a bug. Your quick response made it a non-isuue to us. It's great to know
Fred Schulman - LionsDeal.com
As a Yahoo store owner for over 12 years and having over 40 stores in our portfolio, we rely on Practical Data for their out of the box thinking. They not only create amazing Yahoo Store features such as the My Account Add on, but they ALWAYS take the time to explain their software and how it can help me in my business. They have been an important business partner for us for over 3 years and I look forward to many more.
Joseph Tantillo - GreekGear.com
Treasured Locks has been working with Practical Data for about seven years. Practical Data has enabled Treasured Locks to project a big store presence on the internet even though we are only a Mom & Pop operation. Our store looks is easy to use and the design instills confidence in prospects landing on our website. Practical Data constantly develops tools to help us better serve our customers which has had a tremendous impact on our bottom line. We worked with several designers before we discovered Practical Data. And we have been in touch with consulting firms since. Practical Data consistently is the most reliable and most cost effective we have found.
Brian Smith - TreasuredLocks.com
We first signed on with Practical Data to handle our in-house reviews as we needed a feature rich application that was also indexable (oddly hard to find back at that time). We've been extremely pleased with their system, the recent enhancements as well as their customer support so having them handle our mobile store wasn't a big stretch. The build and implementation went smoothly and as it's hitting our yahoo cart the operational backend and tracking are seemless.

We've seen an increase in revenue of 127% in the 9 months we've been live with our mobile site. While one could argue that mobile traffic is up across the board (as we did) we also saw our conversion rate double. In addition to the reviews and mobile store, we also use their account history/management application which has been good for us as well. Overall it's been great working with them and we look forward to implementing some of their upcoming releases.
Recently we decided it was time to revamp our product reviews platform as we were looking for something that allowed our customers to not only leave a rating, but also leave detailed descriptions on why they chose that rating. On top of that, our reviews at the time weren't getting us any SEO benefit. After working with Practical Data on our new reviews platform we're not only getting more comprehensive reviews as well as SEO benefits, but we're getting a lot more reviews in general. We're approving around 100 a day!
Brian Schwank- RockBottomGolf.com
We have been working with Practical Data since 2009. Since then we completed several projects including revamp the existing website, integrating MyAccount System along with Reward System and Product Reviews, mobile site integration with existing webstore advanced pagination features and few other custom functions for specific needs of our business. The highly advanced functionality and features they built and integrated for our Yahoo store are the must-haves for our business. They are highly motivated, fearlessly committed and persistently improving to meet and exceed the needs of ever-growing competitive internet retailing industry.
Gokhan Erkavun- BeautyBridge.com
" case-outdoor-interactive|""|""|""|"

Case Study: Outdoor Interactive, Inc.

Outdoor Interactive, Inc. is a diversified direct marketing company that sells a broad line of products and accessories for hunting, shooting sports, marine, camping, archery, freshwater fishing and other outdoor activities through a personalized print catalog and the Internet.

Like many small businesses, Outdoor Interactive competes in a market that is crowded with competitors and dominated by the !!DQUOTE!!big boys!!DQUOTE!! of the industry. Given the seemingly unlimited resources of the industry titans, how can a small company like Outdoor Interactive compete?

Recognizing Assets

For Outdoor Interactive, being a small company is an asset. While there are certainly advantages to being a large company, it's important to recognize that there are advantages to being a small company, as well. Speed, focus and efficiency are three that come to mind.

Recognizing the differences, good and bad, between yourself and your competitors can help to form and reinforce your company identity. Knowing who you are leads to smarter decisions and more motivated employees.

While Outdoor Interactive may not be small forever, they can leverage of and foster !!DQUOTE!!small company!!DQUOTE!! advantages as a stategic asset along the way.

Leveraging Technology

Practical Data helps Outdoor Interactive recognize and embrace this advantage by scaling the services that the company can provide using technology rather than additional headcount.

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" pay-invoice|""|""|""|"
Invoice #
Invoice Amount

" responsive-customer-login-for-yahoo-stores|""|""|""|"


Update your existing My Account, Rewards, Reviews and related features to resize seamlessly with your Responsive web site. Includes updates of CSS and layouts of all related screens, including basic rework of the My Account and Rewards landing pages.

Billed Hourly at $150 / hour - Contact us for a quote

" pd-one-advanced-search-credits-1000|""|""|""|"" premium-delivery-email-service-10000-credits|""|""|""|"

10,000 Email Credits for PD Premium Delivery Email Service

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" pd-one-advanced-search-credits-10000|""|""|""|"" premium-delivery-email-service-100000-credits|""|""|""|"

100,000 Email Credits for PD Premium Delivery Email Service

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" pd-one-advanced-search-credits-100000|""|""|""|"" premium-delivery-email-service-2000-credits|""|""|""|"

2,000 Email Credits for PD Premium Delivery Email Service

Order Now

Store URL:

" pd-one-advanced-search-credits-25000|""|""|""|"" premium-delivery-email-service-5000-credits|""|""|""|"

5,000 Email Credits for PD Premium Delivery Email Service

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" premium-delivery-email-service-50000-credits|""|""|""|"

50,000 Email Credits for PD Premium Delivery Email Service

Order Now


Add intelligent search to your store with customizable search displays, filtering and sorting, adjustable search logic and more.

Integrates natively with other PD/ONE features including Product Reviews, Insights, Loyalty & Referral Rewards, Wholesale and Inventory Connector.
Integration Points
$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" pd-one-advanced-search-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-advanced-search-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-advanced-search-enterprise-high-volume|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-advanced-search-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-advanced-search-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-advanced-search-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-advanced-search-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-broadcaster|"(:PD-ONE-BROADCASTER-STANDARD :PD-ONE-BROADCASTER-PRO :PD-ONE-BROADCASTER-ENTERPRISE :PD-ONE-BROADCASTER-ENTERPRISE-HIGH-VOLUME :PD-ONE-BROADCASTER-STANDARD-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-BROADCASTER-PRO-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-BROADCASTER-ENTERPRISE-ANNUAL)"|"isService"|""|"

Overview & Benefits

PD/ONE Broadcaster allows you to quickly and easily deploy attractive and conversion boosting promotions and/or messaging to your store!
Display messaging across multiple domains and platforms (e.g. !!DQUOTE!!www.!!DQUOTE!!, !!DQUOTE!!m.!!DQUOTE!!, !!DQUOTE!!myaccount.!!DQUOTE!!, !!DQUOTE!!search,!!DQUOTE!!, etc).

Select Your Plan & Options

One-time Setup Fee

$ 200 00


  • Rotating promotions banner with ability to expand with further messaging (e.g. images, text, coupon codes, email sign up forms, etc.).
  • Administration/ Control panel to remotely and easily manage all aspects of your promotion / offer messaging. All displays/email templates are customizable.
  • Add start/end date timing to automate deployment and create urgency for customers with a countdown timer. E.g. X Hours until Christmas Shipping Deadline! X Hours until this coupon expires, etc.
  • Requires NO store publish to update/launch promotions. Update your promotions and messaging in a few minutes! Promotions are stored in a cache busted Javascript file, guaranteeing your customers see up to the minute available offers.
  • Responsive ready with the ability to simultaneously launch mobile optimized promotions. Additionally, offer alternate promotions ONLY available on mobile devices. Automatically integrates to the PD/ONE Mobile Module.
  • All promotions/messages offer integrated sharing (social channels including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest) and email. All social and email shares are tracked and viewable in the control panel reporting tool.
  • CDN hosted files library included for optimal load and reliability of promotion/message content.
  • Dedicated promotions landing page and dedicated individual promotion pages (for linking and sharing).
  • Show specific promotions only to logged-in customers.
  • Optionally, include/list products on the promotion’s dedicated page (e.g. applicable products that are related to the offer).
  • Extremely flexible. For example, include a newsletter/email signup form in your promotion/message banner.
  • Appears on all sub-domains (e.g. www, myaccount, search, etc).

" pd-one-broadcaster-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-broadcaster-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-broadcaster-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-broadcaster-enterprise-high-volume|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-broadcaster-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-broadcaster-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-broadcaster-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-customer-questions-answers-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-customer-questions-answers-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-customer-questions-answers-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-customer-questions-answers-enterprise-high-volume|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-customer-questions-answers-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-customer-questions-answers-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-customer-questions-answers-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-customer-questions-answers|"(:PD-ONE-CUSTOMER-QUESTIONS-ANSWERS-STANDARD :PD-ONE-CUSTOMER-QUESTIONS-ANSWERS-PRO :PD-ONE-CUSTOMER-QUESTIONS-ANSWERS-ENTERPRISE :PD-ONE-CUSTOMER-QUESTIONS-ANSWERS-ENTERPRISE-HIGH-VOLUME :PD-ONE-CUSTOMER-QUESTIONS-ANSWERS-STANDARD-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-CUSTOMER-QUESTIONS-ANSWERS-PRO-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-CUSTOMER-QUESTIONS-ANSWERS-ENTERPRISE-ANNUAL)"|"isService"|""|"$$PD-ONE-PRICED-FROM-TOP$$
Provides an easy way for customers to ask product-specific questions. Build a mini-FAQ of customer questions and answers for every product page. SEO-friendly and indexable content deployed to page as plain text.
The PD/ONE Inventory Connector offers real-time inventory awareness in My Account, Gift Registry, Search, Back In Stock Alerts and other Practical Data features.

This connector is compatible with OrderMotion, Stone Edge, Centrifuge and many other Turbify Store compatible inventory systems*. Inventory data is kept up-to-date in real-time as orders are placed within your store. Alternatively, stock data may be imported periodically from an external feed, manually uploaded via CSV file or manually adjusted from an admin interface.
Important Notes

$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" pd-one-inventory-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-inventory-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-inventory-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-inventory-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-inventory-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-inventory-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-inventory-enterprise-high-volume|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-loyalty-referral-rewards|"(:PD-ONE-LOYALTY-REFERRAL-REWARDS-STANDARD :PD-ONE-LOYALTY-REFERRAL-REWARDS-PRO :PD-ONE-LOYALTY-REFERRAL-REWARDS-ENTERPRISE :PD-ONE-LOYALTY-REFERRAL-REWARDS-ENTERPRISE-HIGH-VOLUME :PD-ONE-LOYALTY-REFERRAL-REWARDS-STANDARD-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-LOYALTY-REFERRAL-REWARDS-PRO-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-LOYALTY-REFERRAL-REWARDS-ENTERPRISE-ANNUAL)"|"isService"|""|"$$PD-ONE-PRICED-FROM-TOP$$
Enhance your product listings with search engine friendly question and answer content. This module increases buying confidence with relevant content.

Rewards Loyalty Program
Customer Referral Rewards
$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" pd-one-loyalty-referral-rewards-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-loyalty-referral-rewards-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-loyalty-referral-rewards-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-loyalty-referral-rewards-enterprise-high-volume|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-loyalty-referral-rewards-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-loyalty-referral-rewards-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-loyalty-referral-rewards-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-conversion-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-conversion-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-enterprise-high-volume|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-conversion-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-conversion-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-mobile-conversion-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-my-account|"(:PD-ONE-MY-ACCOUNT-STANDARD :PD-ONE-MY-ACCOUNT-PRO :PD-ONE-MY-ACCOUNT-ENTERPRISE :PD-ONE-MY-ACCOUNT-ENTERPRISE-HIGH-VOLUME :PD-ONE-MY-ACCOUNT-EXISTING-ACCOUNT :PD-ONE-MY-ACCOUNT-STANDARD-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-MY-ACCOUNT-PRO-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-MY-ACCOUNT-ENTERPRISE-ANNUAL)"|"isService"|""|"$$PD-ONE-PRICED-FROM-TOP$$

A Repeat Customer is Your Best Customer

Engage visitors with increased convenience, interactivity and features that personalize and enhance your store's shopping experience. The My Account system extends Turbify's store platform to provide customer centered applications and a platform for advanced development.

Extendable and Customizable Solution
Dozens of add-ons are available to extend the functionality and feature set of your account system. From rewards, gift registry to wholesale solutions you'll never run into a wall when you're ready to enhance your offerings.

$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" pd-one-my-account-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-my-account-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-my-account-enterprise-high-volume|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-my-account-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-my-account-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-my-account-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-my-account-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews|"(:PD-ONE-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-STANDARD :PD-ONE-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-PRO :PD-ONE-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-ENTERPRISE :PD-ONE-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-ENTERPRISE-HIGH-VOLUME :PD-ONE-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-STANDARD-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-PRO-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-ENTERPRISE-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-MERCHANDISER)"|"isService"|""|"$$PD-ONE-PRICED-FROM-TOP$$
PD/ONE Product Reviews invites customers to submit reviews for products in your Turbify Store. Upon approval, these display with search engine-friendly star ratings and review content. Product reviews help customer make better purchase decisions, encourage new customer sales and keep existing customers engaged.
Our automated service updates your store pages daily with SEO friendly content and product recommendations aggregated from approved/published customer product reviews.

$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" pd-one-product-reviews-merchandiser-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-merchandiser-enterprise-high-volume|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-merchandiser-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-merchandiser-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-merchandiser-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-merchandiser-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-merchandiser-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-product-reviews-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-promotions-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-promotions-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-promotions-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-promotions-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-promotions-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-promotions-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-promotions|"(:PD-ONE-PROMOTIONS-STANDARD :PD-ONE-PROMOTIONS-STANDARD-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-PROMOTIONS-PRO :PD-ONE-PROMOTIONS-PRO-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-PROMOTIONS-ENTERPRISE :PD-ONE-PROMOTIONS-ENTERPRISE-ANNUAL)"|"isService"|""|"$$PD-ONE-PRICED-FROM-TOP$$
Manage and display promotions across all areas of your store. From the homepage, category, product and checkout show consistent messaging of current offers.

$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" ssl-certificate-upgrade-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" ssl-certificate-upgrade-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" ssl-certificate-upgrade-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" ssl-certificate-upgrade-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" ssl-certificate-upgrade-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" ssl-certificate-upgrade-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" add-ons|""|""|""|"" pd-one-wholesale|"(:PD-ONE-WHOLESALE-STANDARD :PD-ONE-WHOLESALE-PRO :PD-ONE-WHOLESALE-ENTERPRISE :PD-ONE-WHOLESALE-ENTERPRISE-HIGH-VOLUME :PD-ONE-WHOLESALE-STANDARD-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-WHOLESALE-PRO-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-WHOLESALE-ENTERPRISE-ANNUAL)"|"isService"|""|"$$PD-ONE-PRICED-FROM-TOP$$
Turbify Store merchants can now offer dynamic pricing to their wholesale or regular customers. This module provides tiered pricing for multiple retail and wholesale tiers and includes many tailorable features.

Setup/ Implementation Details

The setup fee covers our standard implementation. Please contact us if you have special customization needs.

" pd-one-wholesale-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-wholesale-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-wholesale-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-wholesale-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-wholesale-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-wholesale-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-wholesale-enterprise-high-volume|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-advanced-search-credits|"(:PD-ONE-ADVANCED-SEARCH-CREDITS-1000 :PD-ONE-ADVANCED-SEARCH-CREDITS-10000 :PD-ONE-ADVANCED-SEARCH-CREDITS-25000 :PD-ONE-ADVANCED-SEARCH-CREDITS-50000 :PD-ONE-ADVANCED-SEARCH-CREDITS-100000)"|""|""|"

" cdn-urls|""|""|""|"

Attention: The PD/ONE CDN URLs are Changing

Please note that the PD/ONE CDN URLs are changing. If you use the PD/ONE CDN Library for managing files on your Turbify Store, you will need to update any manually specified URLs.

The new CDN URL is:


(Where <storename> corresponds to the domain name of your store. e.g. https://www.<storename>.com)

You can find your store-specific CDN URL under: !!DQUOTE!!Admin Tools -> CDN Library!!DQUOTE!! by looking for the URL at the top of each files page. Please send an email to "support@practicaldata.com" if you have any questions or concerns.

Note: If you do not use the PD/ONE CDN Library or only these files within PD/ONE features using the built-in CDN Library tags, no action is required.

" pd-one-checkout-for-turbify-stores-enterprise|""|""|""|"" pd-one-checkout-for-turbify-stores-pro|""|""|""|"" pd-one-checkout-for-turbify-stores-standard|""|""|""|"" pd-purchase-email-credits-in-bulk|""|""|""|"
Use email credits to send transactional and marketing emails from your Turbify Store. Available PD/ONE emails include Rewards Summary emails, Order and Shipment Confirmation emails, Review Invitation emails, Back-in-Stock emails and more.

Enter Your Store Domain:

(e.g. !!DQUOTE!!MyStore.com!!DQUOTE!!)

More About Email Credits

Overview & Benefits

Upgrade to PD/ONE Mobile for SSL support and the latest features.
Select Your Plan & Options

Features & Benefits

Proven Conversion & Revenue Booster

With 200+ mobile Turbify stores launched, we've watched the analytics closely. A mobile optimized version of your store is better for customers and more importantly a proven conversion booster. As every merchant knows, increased conversion is money in the bank.

No Transaction Fees!

Pay NO additional transaction fees for sales generated by mobile shoppers. Orders are taken through your regular Turbify shopping cart.

Design Included, Best in Class Customization Tools

If it works on your standard store, it works on your mobile. Whether you have multiple images, special item ordering displays or real-time inventory - we can make it work. Offering an identical buying process across your full version and mobile store enables improved conversion and happy customers.

Our included standard customization package includes design services to best match graphics, fonts, colors and style used on your standard store.

Power to the Merchant

You get the steering wheel with our mobile solution. Don't be stuck waiting for a developer to add promotional graphics or other changes. We offer a robust administration area to fully manage and customize your mobile site design. Easily update products on your homepage, mobile content, template design and more. Use CSS and HTML - no RTML required!

Hands Off Management

Your mobile store will automatically categorize sections and products exactly as they appear on your full store. Optionally hide pages from mobile or override to provide alternate categorization and displays wherever needed.

Basic Mobile Search Included

Our solution includes a basic search feature optimized for mobile screens.

Integrated Analytics

Track all aspects of your mobile store performance. Quickly enable Google and/or Turbify analytics simply by providing your account ids. You may also include supplemental analytics code.

Full Mobile Integration of Practical Data Features

All Practical Data features include mobile versions. If you have our My Account solution, rewards, gift registry, reviews or other features they'll be included and fully functional on your mobile store with no fuss. From pre-fill of customer information during mobile checkout to product reviews or gift registry, they'll just work.


Overview & Benefits

Practical Data brings 8 years of proven, mobile conversion experience to the table with the latest version of PD/ONE Mobile for Turbify Stores.

Select Your Plan & Options

Standard Setup & Design Fee

$ 2,000 00

Features & Benefits

Proven Conversion & Revenue Booster

With 200+ mobile Turbify stores launched, we've watched the analytics closely. A mobile optimized version of your store is better for customers and is a proven conversion booster. As every merchant knows, increased conversion is money in the bank.

No Transaction Fees!

Pay NO additional transaction fees for sales generated by mobile shoppers. Orders are taken through your regular Turbify checkout process.

Design Included, Best in Class Customization Tools

If it works on your standard store, it works on your mobile. Whether you have multiple images, special item ordering displays or real-time inventory - we can make it work. Offering a similar, but optimized buying process across your Desktop and mobile stores enables improved conversion and happy customers.

Our included standard customization package includes design services to best match graphics, fonts, colors and style used on your standard store.

Power to the Merchant

You get the steering wheel with our mobile solution. Don't be stuck waiting for a developer to add promotional graphics or other changes. We offer a robust administration area to fully manage and customize your mobile site design. Easily update products on your homepage, mobile content, template design and more. Use CSS and HTML - no RTML required!

Hands Off Management

Your mobile store will automatically categorize sections and products exactly as they appear on your full store. Optionally hide pages from mobile or override to provide alternate categorization and displays wherever needed.

Optimized Mobile Search Included

Our solution includes a basic search feature optimized for mobile screens.

Integrated Analytics

Track all aspects of your mobile store performance. Quickly enable Google by providing your account ids and/or add your tagging to dedicated tagging files in your PD/ONE Mobile Admin.

Full Mobile Integration of other PD/ONE Features

All PD/ONE features are fully mobile-ready. If you have PD/ONE My Account, Loyalty & Referral Rewards, Product Reviews, Questions & Answers or other features, they will be included and fully functional on your mobile store with no fuss. From pre-fill of customer information during mobile checkout to PD/ONE Product Reviews or Rewards, they'll just work.

" pd-one-email-credits-subscription-10000|""|""|""|"" pd-one-email-credits-subscription-100000|""|""|""|"" pd-one-email-credits-subscription-50000|""|""|""|"" pd-myaccount-for-yahoo-mobile|""|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

Integrate your PD My Account login features to your Turbify Dedicated Mobile Store.

One-time Setup Fee


  • Adds My Account login links to your mobile menu
  • Updates your Turbify mobile checkout with the My Account login bar
  • Sets up a mobile header/footer wrapper for display to My Account users on mobile devices

" premium-delivery-email-service|""|""|""|"
PD/ONE Premium Delivery helps to ensure that all PD/ONE Features (My Account, Loyalty & Referral Rewards, Product Reviews, Q&A, etc.) emails are delivered promptly and accurately with a high level of deliverability and tracking.

Subscribe to a PD/ONE Monthly Email Credits Plan

This increases your monthly "top off " of email credits beyond the standard 1,000 credits per month.

PD/ONE Email Credits Subscription (5,000 credits)
PD/ONE Email Credits Subscription (10,000 credits)
PD/ONE Email Credits Subscription (50,000 credits)
PD/ONE Email Credits Subscription (100,000 credits)

If you have run out of credits, you may also Purchase Email Credits In Bulk.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

PD/ONE Premium Delivery uses a robust email system to track emails, bounces, send failures and deliverability of every email sent by PD/ONE. This system provides visibility to proactively manage the email delivery process and increase the number of emails delivered to the customer's inbox.

How much does it cost?

PD/ONE Email Credits are purchased to send emails through the Premium Delivery service (1 email = 1 credit.) Credits are purchased in bulk and deducted from your account with each email sent. The current price of an email credit ranges from 1/2 to 1 cent depending upon volume purchased.

Does my PD/ONE plan come with credits?

Most PD/ONE Plans come with "up to 1000" credits per month. You start each month with 1000 credits and your account is "topped off" to 1000 credits on the 1st of the next month.

Can I add more monthly credits to my plan?

Yes. You can subscribe to a PD/ONE Monthly Email Credits Plan to increase the monthly !!DQUOTE!!up to!!DQUOTE!! credit allocation on your account.

Can I purchase credits in bulk?

Yes. Rather than subscribing to a monthly plan, you can purchase credits in bulk.

What happens if I run out of credits?

Emails will continue to queue locally, but non-essential emails will not be sent until credits are added to your account. Essential transactional emails such as password reset emails or emails related to an order, will continue to be sent. Any emails that send after you run out of credits will recorded as negative credits on your account.

Add CCPA-compliant privacy features to your web site. PD/ONE delivers a solution that communicates privacy information to customers, allows customers to make privacy requests and helps you to meet compliance requirements for CCPA and other evolving privacy laws.
$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" ccpa-privacy-solution-for-yahoo-stores-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" ccpa-privacy-solution-for-yahoo-stores-enterprise|""|""|""|"" ccpa-privacy-solution-for-yahoo-stores-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" ccpa-privacy-solution-for-yahoo-stores-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" ccpa-privacy-solution-for-yahoo-stores-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" ccpa-privacy-solution-for-yahoo-stores-standard-|""|"isService"|""|"" ccpa-privacy-solution-for-yahoo-stores-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" bigcommerce-product-review-instructions|""|""|""|"

PD/ONE Product Reviews:

Bigcommerce Integration Instructions

Step 1) General Tagging (all pages)

PD/ONE Page Tagging Installation

Follow the instructions here to set up page tagging on all your Bigcommerce pages:

Step 2) Product Page Template Tagging

Create and position the !!DQUOTE!!Review Stars Summary!!DQUOTE!! tag on the product page template

Wherever you would like the review stars summary” positioned, please position the following div:

<div class=!!DQUOTE!!pdPrProductPageCallout!!DQUOTE!! productId=!!DQUOTE!!{{product_id}}!!DQUOTE!!></div>

(Where !!DQUOTE!!{{product_id}}!!DQUOTE!! is populated with the Bigcommerce product id for this product.)

Create and position the !!DQUOTE!!PD Content!!DQUOTE!! element on your product pages

We will generate pre-formatted HTML content for the product reviews data and populate it into the “Warranty Information” field for each product via the Bigcommerce API. Please position the following div where you would like this content to appear:

<div class=“pdProductPageContent!!DQUOTE!! productId=!!DQUOTE!!{{product_id}}!!DQUOTE!!>{{warranty_information}}</div>

(Where !!DQUOTE!!{{product_id}}!!DQUOTE!! is populated with the Bigcommerce product id for this product and {{warranty_information}} is populated with the contents of the Warranty Information field for this product in Bigcommerce.)

Step 3) Category Page Template Tagging

Create and position the !!DQUOTE!!Category Rating Stars!!DQUOTE!! tag on the product page template

Add this tag wherever you would like to position the category rating stars for each product within the category page template:

<div class=!!DQUOTE!!pdRatingStarCategory!!DQUOTE!! productId=!!DQUOTE!!{{product_id}}!!DQUOTE!!></div>

(Where !!DQUOTE!!{{product_id}}!!DQUOTE!! is populated with the Bigcommerce product id for this product.)

" pd-one-secure-login-options|""|""|""|"

PD/ONE Secure Login Options

IMPORTANT: Recent Browser Changes

The latest Chrome and Firefox browsers are much more proactive in warning customers about submitting insecure forms. It is now more important than ever to upgrade your PD/ONE My Account to use Secure Login.

How do I upgrade to Secure Login?

Step 1) Make sure you are on a PD/ONE hosting plan

Step 2) Choose your SSL option

For Turbify Stores that are not updated to HTTPS/SSL...

Order PD/ONE Dedicated SSL Service

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions about Secure Login or SSL, please feel free to contact us at PD/ONE Support." pd-one-structured-data-service|"(:PD-ONE-STRUCTURED-DATA-SERVICE-STANDARD :PD-ONE-STRUCTURED-DATA-SERVICE-PRO :PD-ONE-STRUCTURED-DATA-SERVICE-ENTERPRISE :PD-ONE-STRUCTURED-DATA-SERVICE-STANDARD-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-STRUCTURED-DATA-SERVICE-PRO-ANNUAL :PD-ONE-STRUCTURED-DATA-SERVICE-ENTERPRISE-ANNUAL)"|"isService"|"When you’re behind the stroller, pushing and steering feels effortless. Navigating corners, busy streets and tight spaces becomes a breeze."|"$$PD-ONE-PRICED-FROM-TOP$$
Add review stars, prices, stock status, company information and more to the Google organic search results for your Turbify Store.

PD/ONE delivers perfect structured data markup using the latest Google-recommended format. You no longer need to worry about broken schema.org tags, mis-nested tags and other mistakes that can harm your reputation with search engines.
See how the "www.dentakit.com" listing jumps off the page with review stars, pricing and stock status vs. the other listings.

estimated delivery

When you’re behind the stroller, pushing and steering feels effortless. Navigating corners, busy streets and tight spaces becomes a breeze
" pd-one-structured-data-service-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-structured-data-service-pro|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-structured-data-service-s|""|""|""|"" pd-one-structured-data-service-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-structured-data-service-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-structured-data-service-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-tax-exemption-for-yahoo-stores-enterprise-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-tax-exemption-for-yahoo-stores-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-tax-exemption-for-yahoo-stores-pro-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-one-tax-exemption-for-yahoo-stores-pro|""|""|""|"" pd-one-tax-exemption-for-yahoo-stores-standard-annual|""|"isService"|""|"" pd-dynamic-pricing-install-instructions|""|""|""|"

PD Wholesale Pricing - Tagging Instructions (Turbify Stores)

Show/Hide Element Tagging

You can tag page elements to be hidden from or shown to the customer based on the current wholesale login state. To do this, assign the class names !!DQUOTE!!pdShowforWholesale!!DQUOTE!! and !!DQUOTE!!pdHideForWholesale!!DQUOTE!! to the elements that you would like to show or hide.

Here are examples of divs that will be hidden or shown:

<div class=!!DQUOTE!!pdHideForWholesale!!DQUOTE!! style=!!DQUOTE!!display:block!!DQUOTE!!> This div content will be hidden when a wholesale customer is logged-in, but shown to non-logged-in customers by default due to its style of: !!DQUOTE!!display:block!!DQUOTE!! </div>

<div class=!!DQUOTE!!pdShowForWholesale!!DQUOTE!! style=!!DQUOTE!!display:none!!DQUOTE!!> This div content will be shown to wholesale customers, but hidden from non-logged-in customers due to its default style which is !!DQUOTE!!display:none!!DQUOTE!!. </div>

Important: You must include a default style of !!DQUOTE!!display:none!!DQUOTE!! for elements that are intended to be shown for logged-in wholesale customers, but hidden from regular customers.

Tagging for Dynamic Pricing

You can display user-specific prices for logged-in customers using a container that is marked-up as follows:

<span retailprice=!!DQUOTE!!229.95!!DQUOTE!! baseprice=!!DQUOTE!!129.95!!DQUOTE!! productid=!!DQUOTE!!btp-525!!DQUOTE!! class=!!DQUOTE!!pdDynamicPrice pdDynamicPriceItem!!DQUOTE!!></span>

Invoking the PD Dynamic Pricing JavaScript

The dynamic pricing and show/hide functionality is invoked by executing a JavaScript at the bottom of the page. For a Turbify Store, you should do this by calling the following RTML template:

call: pd-myaccount-pricing-init-2012

This invokes a function called !!DQUOTE!!pdApplyPricingLogic()!!DQUOTE!! that inspects the DOM to find tagged elements that should be shown/hidden and calculates/populates the dynamic pricing displays.

This method will work with all static content pages.

Using PD Dynamic Pricing with Dynamically Rendered Content

If your page uses JavaScript to dynamically populate or render page content, more work may be necessary to ensure that the PD dynamic pricing logic is applied successfully.

First, you will still need to call !!DQUOTE!!pd-myaccount-pricing-init-2012!!DQUOTE!! at the bottom of your page. This will load the necessary !!DQUOTE!!pdApplyPricingLogic() function and will call the function upon the initial page load.

Next, you may need to modify your script to ensure the function !!DQUOTE!!pdApplyPricingLogic!!DQUOTE!! has been loaded and then directly call !!DQUOTE!!pdApplyPricingLogic()!!DQUOTE!! after your function completes its rendering. This will re-apply the pricing display logic to your dynamically rendered DOM.

" bigcommerce-integration-instructions|""|""|""|"

PD/ONE: Bigcommerce Integration Instructions

Use these instructions as a starting point for integrating PD/ONE Features into your Bigcommerce "Stencil" store. (Minor modifications will be needed for installation on a Bigcommerce store using (legacy) "Blueprint" templates.)

Step 1: Add the "PD Tagging Code" to your !!DQUOTE!!base.html!!DQUOTE!! template

(Usually located under "Storefront Design: My Themes: Current Theme: Advanced: Edit Theme Files: Templates: Layout: base.html")

Near the top of the page template (after the opening body tag), add the following code:
<!-- ************************************** -->
<!-- ********* START PD TAGGING *********** -->
<!-- ************************************** -->
<div id=!!DQUOTE!!pdPageTag!!DQUOTE!! style=!!DQUOTE!!display:none!!DQUOTE!! productId=!!DQUOTE!!{{product.id}}!!DQUOTE!! productCode=!!DQUOTE!!{{product.sku}}!!DQUOTE!! categoryId=!!DQUOTE!!{{category.id}}!!DQUOTE!!></div>
<!-- *************************************** -->
<!-- ********* FINISH PD TAGGING *********** -->
<!-- *************************************** -->

Step 2: Add the "PD Integration Script" to your !!DQUOTE!!Footer Script!!DQUOTE!!

(Located under "Storefront Design: Scripts: Footer")

<!-- ************************************************* -->
<!-- ********* START PD INTEGRATION SCRIPT *********** -->
<!-- ************************************************* -->
<script type=!!DQUOTE!!text/javascript!!DQUOTE!!>
function pdInit() {

    var elements = new Array();
    try {elements = document.getElementsByClassName(!!DQUOTE!!pdRatingStarCategory!!DQUOTE!!);} catch(e){}
    var productIdList = new Array();
    for(var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) {
        productIdList[i] = elements[i].getAttribute(!!DQUOTE!!productid!!DQUOTE!!);

    var productIdListCsv = productIdList.join(!!DQUOTE!!,!!DQUOTE!!);

    var cb = (new Date()).getTime();
    var scriptUrl = !!DQUOTE!!https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.practicaldatacore.com/mod_bigcommerce/services/pageScript.php!!DQUOTE!!;
    scriptUrl += !!DQUOTE!!?cb=!!DQUOTE!! + cb;
    scriptUrl += !!DQUOTE!!&customerId=!!DQUOTE!! + encodeURIComponent(!!DQUOTE!!{{ customer.id }}!!DQUOTE!!);
    scriptUrl += !!DQUOTE!!&email=!!DQUOTE!! + encodeURIComponent(!!DQUOTE!!{{ customer.email }}!!DQUOTE!!);
    scriptUrl += !!DQUOTE!!&productId=!!DQUOTE!! + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById(!!DQUOTE!!pdPageTag!!DQUOTE!!).getAttribute(!!DQUOTE!!productId!!DQUOTE!!));
    scriptUrl += !!DQUOTE!!&productCode=!!DQUOTE!! + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById(!!DQUOTE!!pdPageTag!!DQUOTE!!).getAttribute(!!DQUOTE!!productCode!!DQUOTE!!));
    scriptUrl += !!DQUOTE!!&categoryId=!!DQUOTE!! + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById(!!DQUOTE!!pdPageTag!!DQUOTE!!).getAttribute(!!DQUOTE!!categoryId!!DQUOTE!!));
    scriptUrl += !!DQUOTE!!&productIdListCsv=!!DQUOTE!! + encodeURIComponent(productIdListCsv);

    var scriptElement=document.createElement('script');
    scriptElement.setAttribute(!!DQUOTE!!src!!DQUOTE!!, scriptUrl);
<!-- ************************************************** -->
<!-- ********* FINISH PD INTEGRATION SCRIPT *********** -->
<!-- ************************************************** -->

* Note that the !!DQUOTE!!https://XXXXXXXXXXXXX.practicaldatacore.com/!!DQUOTE!! in the code above should be replaced by your store-specific PD integration URL.

Step 3: PD/ONE Product Reviews Integration

If you are installing PD/ONE Product Reviews, follow the instructions here to set up page tagging on all your Bigcommerce pages:


Enhance customer trust and security by hosting your PD/ONE features with an SSL certificate in your own domain.

For example, if your store is !!DQUOTE!!www.storename.com!!DQUOTE!!, your PD/ONE Features will now be hosted under:


$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" pd-one-mobile-conversion-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" pinion-10|""|""|""|"" pinion-25|""|""|""|"" portfolio|"(:YAHOO-STORE-WEB-DESIGN :WEB-DESIGN-PORTFOLIO :LOGO-DESIGN :FLASH-DESIGN :CASE-STANDARD-GROUP :CASE-OUTDOOR-INTERACTIVE :CASE-STUDY-DUE :CASE-PRICE-LEAP :CASE-DARBY-LOUISE)"|""|""|"

Design Portfolio

!!DQUOTE!!Turbify !!DQUOTE!!Web !!DQUOTE!!Logo !!DQUOTE!!Flash

Back to Turbify Store Features


Find instructions and help with common issues.

" hiring-yahoo-store-designers-and-rtml-programmers|""|""|""|"

Practical Data is Hiring

We're looking for great Graphic Designers, PHP and RTML programmers.

About Us

Practical Data is a small Turbify Store software and features developer with offices in Geneva, IL and Princeton, NJ.
We're looking to grow our team so that we can serve our clients better.

About You

You are a talented person who takes pride in building great software and a job well-done. Your co-workers like you because you're easy to work with and usually do an excellent job that makes clients happy.

Graphic Designer* RTML Programmer* PHP Programmer*
* Don't let us pigeon-hole you. If you have a mix of these skills, please let us know. We're especially interested in Graphic Designers who have some RTML experience or RTML programmers who are handy with Photoshop.

" pay-subscription|""|""|""|"

Pay My Subscription

Store Domain:
Comments (optional):
Subscription Payment

" case-price-leap|""|""|""|"

Case Study: PriceLeap.com

PriceLeap.com (a comparison shopping portal) was seeking a fresh new visual appeal and improvements to the user interface and experience. Additional requirements included programming and advertisements for an upcoming marketing campaign. Practical Data created a sleek and simple user experience, employing visual navigation icons and vibrant colors to maintain visitor interest. Working closely with PriceLeap's developers, the updated interface was integrated seamlessly with their existing system. This vastly improved site now allows PriceLeap.com to compete at the highest level.

Services Provided

View Site


" privacy-policy|""|""|""|"

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is Practical Data, Inc.'s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across our website, https://www.practicaldata.com, and other sites we own and operate.

We only ask for personal information when we truly need it to provide a service to you. We collect it by fair and lawful means, with your knowledge and consent. We also let you know why we’re collecting it and how it will be used.

We only retain collected information for as long as necessary to provide you with your requested service. What data we store, we’ll protect within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.

We don’t share any personally identifying information publicly or with third-parties, except when required to by law.

Our website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.

You are free to refuse our request for your personal information, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired services.

Your continued use of our website will be regarded as acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information. If you have any questions about how we handle user data and personal information, feel free to contact us.

This policy is effective as of 1 March 2019.

" promotional-discount|""|""|""|"" purchase-hours|""|""|""|"

Purchase Practical Data Consulting & Support Hours

Store URL
Choose Hours to Purchase:

" yahoo-store-quick-shop|""|""|""|"

Quick Shop

Improve Customer Convenience and Site Usability

Overview & Benefits

Increase conversion by allowing customers to quickly view all product information, select options and order directly from any category page. This feature includes item data tabs and our multiple image viewer / image zoom feature. Content is loaded on-demand so that there is no impact to existing page load times!

Order Now



Custom Design
- We custom blend the Quick Shop window design to complement your existing site.
Fast Loading
- Because each quick shop window is loaded on-demand, there is no impact to site load time.
Item Data Tabs
- Organize product information to any number of configurable item data tabs.
Multiple Image / Zoom Feature
- Customer can view all available images on a product and roll-over to zoom.

Store Examples

*Roll-over a category product thumbnail and click the !!DQUOTE!!Quick Shop!!DQUOTE!! button.

" rc-discount|""|""|""|"" responsive-checkout-for-yahoo-store|""|""|""|"
Integrate a fluid, well designed responsive checkout to guarantee the best shopping experience for your customers.

Includes our base install and styling (custom font, colors, buttons, etc). More advanced customizations or complex checkouts may require some hourly billable effort. Once we have reviewed your existing checkout process, we can estimate if this type of effort is necessary.
Integrate a fluid, well designed responsive checkout to guarantee the best shopping experience for your customers.

Includes our base install and styling (custom font, colors, buttons, etc). More advanced customizations or complex checkouts may require some hourly billable effort. Once we have reviewed your existing checkout process, we can estimate if this type of effort is necessary.
$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" samples-shipping-ak-int|""|""|""|"" samples-shipping-ca-hi-pr|""|""|""|"" samples-shipping-lower-48|""|""|""|"" checkout-save-for-later|""|""|""|"
This feature allows a customer to save items in their shopping cart to their account for later purchase.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" nsearch|""|""|""|"" pd-search|""|""|""|"
" seo-copywriting-for-ecommerce-pinion|"(:PINION-10 :PINION-25)"|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

Pinion provides writing services to progressively improve content quality, brand authority and organic reach through advanced SEO strategies and social engagement.

With a dedicated writer and monthly reserved block of hours, we assess and outline a plan to best improve your store experience over time. This may include enhancements to landing page content, product descriptions, blog articles, social media efforts and brand personality.

Choose a Plan

Initial Consultation

  • We analyze and review your site to provide a report on recommended areas of improvement.
  • We outline a strategy to deploy these improvements based on the number of working hours you have signed on for.

Improve SEO, Increase Organic Traffic

  • We work to greatly improve page quality & authority through superior content.
  • We ensure your store does not use standard manufacturer's copy or other duplicate content found on other competitor websites which can harm your natural search listing positions.
  • We improve and expand existing descriptions into enhanced, meaningful, keyword rich versions.
  • We make descriptions more informative, readable and entertaining for customers. To make these improvements, we research the marketplace, read product reviews and/or question & answer content, research manufactuer specifications and descriptions and work with the merchant to gain insight.
  • Long term, we consistently verify your store's content is not being used by other competing websites, which can harm your results in search engines.
  • Pages with no or minimal content will be updated with a unique and well developed SEO copy.
  • We aim to increase traffic from long-tail searches with a larger set of overt and inferred keywords.

Increase Brand Quality & Personality

  • We work with you to better position and develop your brand's personality in the marketplace.
  • On-page, we write unique, compelling content that appeals to your customers so they have a better sense of who you are as a company.
  • Off-page, we add to your existing brand personality by giving your site a larger and more active social media presence.

Content We Target

  • Pivotal Landing Pages
    • We assess to find pages best targeted for improvement such as key category, brand pages and best selling products.
    • We take a top-down approach, starting with the pages with highest potential ROI.
  • Product Descriptions
    • Update standard manufacturer's copy so that it is unique, eliminate any other duplicate content issues.
    • Incorporate customer feedback from reviews, Q&A and any merchnat insights.
  • Promotional and Social
    • Parlay new content into social posts (e.g. new product, promotions, informative)
    • Improve natural search traffic by deploying in-depth information on a new product, brand, promotion or company news.
    • Utilize customer reviews and/or question and answer content for a pertinent article that can improve conversion on particular products.
    • Various formats and lengths for use in email marketing, social media posts as well as other marketing efforts.
  • Articles and Company Brand Development
    • About Us page.
    • Professionally-written, original articles to enhance your company's unique personality, helping define your brand.
    • Consistent social posts to stay fresh and relevant.


  • We track updates in Google Analytics to compare reach and performance improvements with historical data.
  • We check on updated pages to verify that any duplicate content issues are resolved.
  • We use periodic reviews and check points to watch for competitors using your unique content.


  • We deliver competed work in both document and spreadsheet formats.
  • Optionally, we can manage updating your store directly with content and posting to social channels on your behalf.

" case-standard-group|""|""|""|"

Case Study: The Standard Group
The Standard Group provides outsourced retail real estate services. With a client list including T-Mobile and Hollywood Video, a professional online corporate image is imperative. Looking to expand their operations and reach, Standard Group needed to integrate a website with their existing offline marketing efforts. Practical Data utilized those print materials and translated them into a powerful presentation for the Internet. Using a highly visual experience with flash animation and graphic illustrations, The Standard Group's message is delivered with precision.

Services Provided

View Site


" sticky-breadcrumbs-navigation|""|""|""|"
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Sticky Breadcrumbs & Navigation

Show customer only the relevant navigation

Overview & Benefits

Display the relevant breadcrumb path to customers. Rather than push down content by displaying all paths to the product or an incorrect trail, this system uses cookies to track and properly display how a customer arrived on current page. With optional sticky navigation, also show customers the relevant category links when you have multiple placement of items.

Order Now


" yahoo-login-stone-edge|""|""|""|"
Integrates your PD/ONE My Account System and related Turbify Store Features with the Stone Edge Order Manager for order status updates.
$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" pd-one-structured-data-service-enterprise|""|"isService"|""|"" podio|""|""|""|"
A webform by Podio - click here to get yours
" support-updates|"(:MOBILE-TAGGING-UPDATE)"|""|""|"

Maintenance Updates for Your Store

" tabbed-featured-items|""|""|""|"
Back to Turbify Store Features

Tabbed Featured Items

Implement a tabbed display of featured items for your homepage

Overview & Benefits

Group and display your featured items in tabs to offer more product in a very small footprint. Easily create and manage the tabs, tab names and products available.

Order Now


Store Examples

Charge zero sales tax in your Turbify Store for qualified corporations and organizations.
$$PD-ONE-SUBSCRIPTION$$" pd-one-tax-exemption-for-yahoo-stores-standard|""|"isService"|""|"" terms-of-service|""|""|""|"

Practical Data, Inc. Terms of Service

1. Terms

By accessing the website at https://www.practicaldata.com, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of service, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.

2. Use License

  1. Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on Practical Data, Inc.'s website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:
    1. modify or copy the materials;
    2. use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial);
    3. attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Practical Data, Inc.'s website;
    4. remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or
    5. transfer the materials to another person or !!DQUOTE!!mirror!!DQUOTE!! the materials on any other server.
  2. This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by Practical Data, Inc. at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.

3. Disclaimer

  1. The materials on Practical Data, Inc.'s website are provided on an 'as is' basis. Practical Data, Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights.
  2. Further, Practical Data, Inc. does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.

4. Limitations

In no event shall Practical Data, Inc. or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on Practical Data, Inc.'s website, even if Practical Data, Inc. or a Practical Data, Inc. authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.

5. Accuracy of materials

The materials appearing on Practical Data, Inc.'s website could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Practical Data, Inc. does not warrant that any of the materials on its website are accurate, complete or current. Practical Data, Inc. may make changes to the materials contained on its website at any time without notice. However Practical Data, Inc. does not make any commitment to update the materials.

6. Links

Practical Data, Inc. has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Practical Data, Inc. of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.

7. Modifications

Practical Data, Inc. may revise these terms of service for its website at any time without notice. By using this website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these terms of service.

8. Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Illinois and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that State or location.

" joeltest|""|""|""|"" newsletter-thankyou|""|""|""|"

Thank You for Subscribing

We will keep you up-to-date with news store tips and feature updates from Practical Data!

- The Practical Data Team

" turbify-migration-service|""|""|""|"
As part of the recent acquisition of Turbify Small Business and rebranding to Turbify, Turbify is migrating away from Turbify URLs & servers. We review your store to update old Turbify URLs and references.

We review & update (url references) for the following* :

* There may be hourly charges if extensive updates are required, in particular with store data related changes (e.g. product captions, etc)

$$PD-ONE-ADD-ON$$" yahoo-store-mobile-checkout|""|""|""|"

Overview & Benefits

Practical Data has implemented and optimized a mobile version of the Turbify Store checkout process. From the shopping cart to order confirmation & order status; offer your shoppers the best possible mobile shopping experience.

Includes our base install and styling. If you have advanced customizations to your checkout such as JQuery or third party features, additional hourly billable programming may be necessary. An estimate will be provided before commencing any work.

One-time Setup Fee


  • Custom Designed
    • Custom header, footer, style and graphics to match your current store's look & feel
  • My Account Integration
    • Customer information pre-filled in checkout with addition of My Account module
    • My account pages formatted for mobile devices

" yahoo-store-web-design|""|""|""|"
Back to Portfolio

Turbify Store Web Design


" yahoo-to-turbify-transition-and-pd-one|""|""|""|"

Turbify Stores will be undergoing a hosting and URL transition in late April 2023 that may affect some PD/ONE Services.

Specifically, Practical Data has two services that will be affected: Product Reviews and Q&A

You have our PD/ONE Product Reviews feature, so you will be affected as follows. Product Reviews will operate normally except that when you approve reviews, those reviews will not appear in your store. The newly approved or otherwise updated reviews content will not update in your store until the Catalog API access is restored.

The reason for this is that, for Turbify stores, we use the Catalog API to populate PD/ONE Reviews and Q&A content directly into your store catalog, which then goes live when you publish the store.

If you have significant concerns about this, contact !!DQUOTE!!support@practicaldata.com!!DQUOTE!!. As an alternative, we can switch you to a Javascript-based integration for your store, which we use in special cases and for some other platform integrations. This is not quite as good from a performance and SEO standpoint, but it would alleviate the issue of the Catalog API being unavailable.

" upgrade-to-pd-one|""|""|""|"
!!DQUOTE!!Premium Hosting!!DQUOTE!! Plans Discontinued

As of January 1st, 2018, the !!DQUOTE!!Premium Hosting!!DQUOTE!! (aka !!DQUOTE!!legacy!!DQUOTE!!) hosting plans have been discontinued. We encourage customers who are still on one of these plans to upgrade to a PD/ONE Software-as-a-service plan for continued service after June 1st.

You can review pricing and initiate an upgrade request by logging-in to your !!DQUOTE!!Admin Tools!!DQUOTE!! dashboard, clicking on !!DQUOTE!!PD/ONE!!DQUOTE!! and following the instructions.

For more information, please send an email to sales@practicaldata.com.
" useragent|""|""|""|"" web-design-portfolio|""|""|""|"
Back to Portfolio

Web Design

" why-practical-data|""|""|""|"

What We Do

We created PD/ONE to better serve Turbify Store merchants with a suite of best-in-class, advanced, customer engagement features. Put simply, our solutions help you to convert visitors into lifelong customers.

Convert and Retain Customers

Increasing engagement is critical to converting and retaining customers. PD/ONE provides customer-friendly, best-in-class features that work together to engage, convert and retain customers in your store.

Best in Class Features

Whether it's Promotions, Rewards, Product Reviews, or Customer Q&A, we work hard to create and maintain industry-leading features designed from the ground up to work seamlessly with your Turbify Store.

ONE Subscription Simplifies Billing and Management

Simplify monthly billing by consolidating features into a single PD/ONE subscription. PD/ONE features work seamlessly together with a consolidated and consistent admin dashboard.

How It Works

Start with a !!DQUOTE!!PD/ONE!!DQUOTE!! Subscription Plan

from $25/mo.

It all starts with a PD/ONE subscription plan. Select from any of our available subscription products (Loyalty & Referral Rewards, Product Reviews, Q&A, Search, etc.) or build your own plan by choosing options a la carte. Scale capabilities and support as you grow with our Standard, Pro and Enterprise levels.

Expand with !!DQUOTE!!PD/ONE!!DQUOTE!! Add-ons

Pay a one-time fee to install and instantly improve your store experience, administration capabilities, reporting and more! These features do not change your recurring subscription cost.

Sell more with Automated Email Marketing

Many of our features include automated marketing emails marketing. We include starter email credits with all our plans so you are able to start sending well-crafted and timely emails immediately. When you run out of credits, simply purchase more Or sign-up for AutoPay to automatically purchase more credits whenever you run out.

Superior Customization and Consulting

With more than a decade of e-commerce experience, we know cookie-cutter products and services rarely work for more seasoned merchants. We are here to help! The PD/ONE platform allows for in-depth customization of existing features and creation of additional, completely custom modules. Engage with us on an hourly programming basis to further enhance our features for your store.

" fix-for-yahoo-cc-issue-archived|""|""|""|"" fix-for-yahoo-cc-issue|""|""|""|"" pd-data-export|""|""|""|"" pd-image-data|""|""|""|"" index|"(:HOW-WE-WORK :YAHOO-STORE-FEATURES :PORTFOLIO :ECOMMERCE-CONSULTING :ABOUTUS :PAY-INVOICE :ORDER-MOTION-INTEGRATION :PREMIUM-DELIVERY-EMAIL-SERVICE :PD-ONE-ADVANCED-SEARCH-CREDITS :HELP :SEO-COPYWRITING-FOR-ECOMMERCE-PINION :PD-ONE-PROMOTIONS)"|""|""|"" privacypolicy|""|""|""|"

Privacy Policy

Effective date: June 12, 2018

Practical Data, Inc. (!!DQUOTE!!us!!DQUOTE!!, !!DQUOTE!!we!!DQUOTE!!, or !!DQUOTE!!our!!DQUOTE!!) operates the https://www.practicaldata.com/ website (the !!DQUOTE!!Service!!DQUOTE!!).

This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use our Service and the choices you have associated with that data.

We use your data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, accessible from https://www.practicaldata.com/


Information Collection and Use

We collect several different types of information for various purposes to provide and improve our Service to you.

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

While using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you (!!DQUOTE!!Personal Data!!DQUOTE!!). Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:

We may use your Personal Data to contact you with newsletters, marketing or promotional materials and other information that may be of interest to you. You may opt out of receiving any, or all, of these communications from us by following the unsubscribe link or instructions provided in any email we send.

Usage Data

We may also collect information how the Service is accessed and used (!!DQUOTE!!Usage Data!!DQUOTE!!). This Usage Data may include information such as your computer's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

Tracking & Cookies Data

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on our Service and hold certain information.

Cookies are files with small amount of data which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device. Tracking technologies also used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze our Service.

You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service.

Examples of Cookies we use:

Use of Data

Practical Data, Inc. uses the collected data for various purposes:

Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

If you are from the European Economic Area (EEA), Practical Data, Inc. legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described in this Privacy Policy depends on the Personal Data we collect and the specific context in which we collect it.

Practical Data, Inc. may process your Personal Data because:

Retention of Data

Practical Data, Inc. will retain your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

Practical Data, Inc. will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of our Service, or we are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods.

Transfer of Data

Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from your jurisdiction.

If you are located outside United States and choose to provide information to us, please note that we transfer the data, including Personal Data, to United States and process it there.

Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer.

Practical Data, Inc. will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information.

Disclosure of Data

Business Transaction

If Practical Data, Inc. is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, your Personal Data may be transferred. We will provide notice before your Personal Data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.

Disclosure for Law Enforcement

Under certain circumstances, Practical Data, Inc. may be required to disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g. a court or a government agency).

Legal Requirements

Practical Data, Inc. may disclose your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

Security of Data

The security of your data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

!!DQUOTE!!Do Not Track!!DQUOTE!! Signals Under California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)

We do not support Do Not Track (!!DQUOTE!!DNT!!DQUOTE!!). Do Not Track is a preference you can set in your web browser to inform websites that you do not want to be tracked.

You can enable or disable Do Not Track by visiting the Preferences or Settings page of your web browser.

Your Data Protection Rights Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), you have certain data protection rights. Practical Data, Inc. aims to take reasonable steps to allow you to correct, amend, delete, or limit the use of your Personal Data.

If you wish to be informed what Personal Data we hold about you and if you want it to be removed from our systems, please contact us.

In certain circumstances, you have the following data protection rights:

Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests.

You have the right to complain to a Data Protection Authority about our collection and use of your Personal Data. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Service Providers

We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service (!!DQUOTE!!Service Providers!!DQUOTE!!), to provide the Service on our behalf, to perform Service-related services or to assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.

These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.


We may use third-party Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service.


We may provide paid products and/or services within the Service. In that case, we use third-party services for payment processing (e.g. payment processors).

We will not store your payment card details. That information is provided directly to our third-party payment processors whose use of your personal information is governed by their Privacy Policy. These payment processors adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of payment information.

The payment processors we work with are:

Links to Other Sites

Our Service may contain links to other sites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party's site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of every site you visit.

We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 18 (!!DQUOTE!!Children!!DQUOTE!!).

We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from children without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

We will let you know via email and/or a prominent notice on our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the !!DQUOTE!!effective date!!DQUOTE!! at the top of this Privacy Policy.

You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

" info|""|""|""|"


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

" ind|""|""|""|"" pd-saas-hosting-agreement-2016|""|""|""|"" pd-hosting-agreement-2013|""|""|""|"" pd-publish-timestamp|""|""|""|"" test-google-ecommerce|""|""|""|"" pd-data-export-variables|""|""|""|"" core-admin-support-form|""|""|""|"" pd-data-export-supplemental|""|""|""|"" mysql-table-corruption|""|""|""|"

How to Fix MySQL Table Corruption on Yahoo Hosting

On rare occasion, tables within the database could become corrupted by an unexpected termination of the database process or related hosting issue.
This could cause logins to fail on your My Account or display an error message when viewing order history.

If you are hosted with Yahoo Web Hosting, please use the following Yahoo-recommended procedure to resolve this error:

1) Log-in to your Web Hosting Control Panel

2) Navigate to Create and Update --> Other Site Building Tools --> MySQL Database

3) Click the Repair Database link and follow the instructions

The Repair Database script may take 5 - 10 minutes to complete.
If this fails to repair your database, then you will need to restore from backup.

If you have are experiencing this issue or have other questions, please contact us for additional support.

" pd-template|""|""|""|"" test|""|""|""|"" pd-one-builder|""|""|""|"" core-admin-help|""|""|""|"" yahoo-store-customization|""|""|""|"
Choose features for your build, then click the !!DQUOTE!!Order Now!!DQUOTE!! button at the bottom of the page.

My Account Install

Add My Account Core - $899.00
I Already Have My Account
No Thanks

My Account Integration Options

Yahoo! (standard integration - no cost)
Stone Edge - $399.00
4PSite - $699.00
Order Motion - $699.00

Add My Account Extensions

Select All       Select None
*The following extensions are only available with the Practical Data My Account system. Check Box to Add to Order
Loyalty & Social Rewards Program
Encourage repeat visits by awarding points for purchases. Create and manage any number of rewards available for redemptions.

Insights - Customer & Item Summary Reporting
Gain valuable insights to bolster marketing efforts and better target customers with offers. View your customers by orders placed, products purchased, revenue spent and date of last order(s). Segment data by all customers, customers with an account or customers without an account including date ranges. Also, you may import all order data going back to the first order received.

Address Book
Allow all customers to store multiple shipping/billing addresses available for selection on checkout pages.

Order Search and Review
Conveniently search for orders from your administration area. Review order details and shipping status information. Also, allow customers to search their order history.

Order Status
Allow customers to check order status via a dedicated !!DQUOTE!!Order Status!!DQUOTE!! link on your site.

End of Checkout Account Invitation
Display an invitation to create an account (on order confirmation screen) if user does not have account. Pre-fills registration info from current order to make sign-up quick and easy.

Back in Stock Email Notifications
Add a button on product pages to !!DQUOTE!!Email me when item is available!!DQUOTE!!. Logged-in customers have their information pre-filled.

Customer Favorites / Wishlist
Allow customers to keep a list of their favorite products. Includes functionality that allows customers to share and email their list to friends and family. Customers may also perform a multiple add to cart from their list.

Dynamic Pricing Tiers / Wholesale
Create and manage pricing tiers and user groups.

Dynamic Shipping / Payment Options for Wholesale Module
Add-on for dynamic pricing module. Allows you to offer alternate shipping or payment options based on the user.


More Advanced Features

Check Box to Add to Order
Mobile Yahoo! Store & Checkout
Generate a mobile version of your Yahoo! Store for iPhone, Android and more. Includes mobile search as well as full My Account and extensions support for mobile.

Product Reviews
Add a robust and Google and SEO friendly reviews system to your store.

Questions & Answers
Engage customers & increase buying confidence with valuable merchant and customer generated content.

Advanced Search
Advanced Search feature provides dynamic filtering and sorting capabilities that intelligently guide your customers to the products they are looking for. Utilizes store sales data to provide accurate results.
*This feature requires premium hosting.


" vulnerability-reporting-program|""|""|""|"" yahoo-database-backup|""|""|""|"

How to Back Up Your MySQL Database on Yahoo Hosting

Yahoo provides a tool in the Web Hosting Control Panel for performing a backup of your MySQL database. You will need to be the Store Owner or have the !!DQUOTE!!Administrator!!DQUOTE!! role assigned to access the Web Hosting Control Panel.

We strongly recommend that you run regular backups of your MySQL database if you are using Yahoo Hosting for your Practical Data My Account, Reviews or other store functionality. There is no way to schedule MySQL database backups in the Web Hosting Control Panel, so they must be run manually.

1) Log-in to your Web Hosting Control Panel

2) Navigate to !!DQUOTE!!Create and Update --> Other Site Building Tools --> MySQL Database!!DQUOTE!!

3) Click the !!DQUOTE!!Backup Database!!DQUOTE!! link

4) Proceed to choose the directory where you would like the backup file to be stored and continue as instructed

The Backup process may take 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

" pricing|""|""|""|"

Pricing Information

All of Practical Data's features can be purchased on our website as a one-time cost for setup & customization plus an annual hosting and service fee. Upgrades to features may be purchased (optionally) as they become available. Our unique pricing model allows merchants to efficiently deploy and customize their store features while minimizing recurring third party service fees.

Compare 3 Popular Practical Data Modules with Our Competitors:

Practical Data Premium Hosting Standard at $649/year vs. Other 3rd Party Features

  Practical Data Competition
Product Reviews Included at $649/year $99+/month
Questions and Answers Included at $649/year $99+/month
Mobile Store Included at $649/year $99+/month
Total Annual Subscription Cost $649 $3,600+
SAVE $2,950+ Annually!

1st Year Setup + Annual Cost of Subscription

  Practical Data Competition
Product Reviews $999 Flat Rate $99+/mo.
Questions and Answers $999 Flat Rate $99+/mo.
Mobile Store $1,999 Flat Rate $99+/mo.
Total Setup Cost $3,987 $399+
Total Annual Cost $649 $3,600+
1st Year Setup + Annual Subscription Cost $4,646 $4,000+

Pricing Comparison over 5 years

Total Cost After... Practical Data Competition You Save
Year 1 $4,646 $4,000+ ($646 +/-)
Year 2 $649 $3,600+ $2,951+
Year 3 $649 $3,600+ $5,902+
Year 4 $649 $3,600+ $8,853+
Year 5 $649 $3,600+ $11,804+
SAVE $11,804+ over 5 years

Need a rewards program, wholesale system, back in stock notifications or other add-ons? Your annual fee stays the same only adding one-time setup and customization fees.

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