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About Our Consulting Services
PD/PINION Progressive SEO & Copywriting Service
Improve Page Quality, Authority and Reach
Improve SEO
Brand Personality
Content Development
Overview & Benefits
Pinion provides writing services to progressively improve content quality, brand authority and organic reach through advanced SEO strategies and social engagement.
With a dedicated writer and monthly reserved block of hours, we assess and outline a plan to best improve your store experience over time. This may include enhancements to landing page content, product descriptions, blog articles, social media efforts and brand personality.
Choose a Plan
Includes 10 working hours per month
No long term commitment
Any overage billed at $50/hr (on additional hours/time request)
Includes 25 working hours per month
No long term commitment
Any overage billed at $50/hr (on additional hours/time request)
Initial Consultation
We analyze and review your site to provide a report on recommended areas of improvement.
We outline a strategy to deploy these improvements based on the number of working hours you have signed on for.
Improve SEO, Increase Organic Traffic
We work to greatly improve page quality & authority through superior content.
We ensure your store does not use standard manufacturer's copy or other duplicate content found on other competitor websites which can harm your natural search listing positions.
We improve and expand existing descriptions into enhanced, meaningful, keyword rich versions.
We make descriptions more informative, readable and entertaining for customers. To make these improvements, we research the marketplace, read product reviews and/or question & answer content, research manufactuer specifications and descriptions and work with the merchant to gain insight.
Long term, we consistently verify your store's content is not being used by other competing websites, which can harm your results in search engines.
Pages with no or minimal content will be updated with a unique and well developed SEO copy.
We aim to increase traffic from long-tail searches with a larger set of overt and inferred keywords.
Increase Brand Quality & Personality
We work with you to better position and develop your brand's personality in the marketplace.
On-page, we write unique, compelling content that appeals to your customers so they have a better sense of who you are as a company.
Off-page, we add to your existing brand personality by giving your site a larger and more active social media presence.
Content We Target
Pivotal Landing Pages
We assess to find pages best targeted for improvement such as key category, brand pages and best selling products.
We take a top-down approach, starting with the pages with highest potential ROI.
Product Descriptions
Update standard manufacturer's copy so that it is unique, eliminate any other duplicate content issues.
Incorporate customer feedback from reviews, Q&A and any merchnat insights.
Promotional and Social
Parlay new content into social posts (e.g. new product, promotions, informative)
Improve natural search traffic by deploying in-depth information on a new product, brand, promotion or company news.
Utilize customer reviews and/or question and answer content for a pertinent article that can improve conversion on particular products.
Various formats and lengths for use in email marketing, social media posts as well as other marketing efforts.
Articles and Company Brand Development
About Us page.
Professionally-written, original articles to enhance your company's unique personality, helping define your brand.
Consistent social posts to stay fresh and relevant.
We track updates in Google Analytics to compare reach and performance improvements with historical data.
We check on updated pages to verify that any duplicate content issues are resolved.
We use periodic reviews and check points to watch for competitors using your unique content.
We deliver competed work in both document and spreadsheet formats.
Optionally, we can manage updating your store directly with content and posting to social channels on your behalf.
Merchants Served Since 2002
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